1.2.1 (a) Minutes of relevant academic council/ BOS meetings
1.2.1 (b) M. Pharmacy Regulations
1.2.1 (c) B. Pharmacy Regulations (a) Brochure or any other document relating to Add on/ certificate programs list of add on programs
1.3.2 (a) programme/ curriculum/ syllabus of the courses
1.3.2 (b) Minutes of the boards of studies/ academic council meetings
1.3.2 (c) MOUs with relevant organizations
1.3.2 (d) Number of courses that include experiential learning through project work/ field work/ internship
1.3.3 Number of students undertaking project work /field work/ internships
1.4.1 (c) Feedback Analysis report
1.4.2 (a) feedback Analysis report
1.4.2 (b) Action taken report